This month we were super excited to host our first guest speaker in a new series of events at Culford Studios which are aiming to bring together our ceramics community, encourage thoughtful conversation and skill sharing. This month we had Taïr Almor join us, a multidisciplinary practitioner, delving into ceramics, art, design, academia, and research. Her work focuses on merging traditional crafts with modern technology and industrial methods, while also examining the relationship between design and socio-political, environmental, and economic influences. She looks in to how these factors contribute to the formation of societies and communities, creating a cohesive narrative within her practice.

She gave a wonderful talk on on 4th of April to our members, going through her journey with clay and industrial design, academic, personal and professional projects, followed by a Q & A session.

A few days later she joined us again for a specialist workshop introducing one of her personal favourite techniques: sprig moulding or bisque fired press moulding. She took our members through the origins and evolutions of press moulding technique, followed by practical demonstrations of and everyone applied this new technique to their own ceramic creations.
This was an inspiring week at the studio - Thank you so much Taïr and everyone who took part! We are really excited for the next month - news on this to be released soon.
You can learn more about Taïr and her work at her website:
